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(2.25)The Power of Proteomics-From Human Proteome Map to Signaling Pathway Analysis;Structural Basis of Pharmacological Modulation of SIRT1,the Elixir of Youth

文章来源: 发布时间: 2016-02-23

  The Power of Proteomics-From Human Proteome Map to Signaling Pathway Analysis 

  报告人:Jun Zhong 

  Structural Basis of Pharmacological Modulation of SIRT1, the Elixir of Youth 

  报告人:Han Dai 

  邀请人:王俊峰   研究员 

  时    间: 2016.02.25(周四)上午 9:00 

  地    点: 强磁场中心磁体装备厅203会议室 


  Jun Zhong:CEO, Delta Omics Biotechnology, LLC. In 2010, as Ph.D. graduated from  Department of Biological Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (Dr. Akhilesh Pandey, advisor). His long term research interests are to develop novel proteomics tools that will allow a comprehensive, systematic, and global characterization of signaling pathways involved in the development of various diseases and to combine proteomics with next-generation sequencing-based genomics/epigenetics/RNA-Seq to develop a novel diagnostic platform for personalized medicine in cancer. 

  Han Dai: Manager/Associate Director, GlaxoSmithKline. Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. Seven years’ experience in the Pharma/Biotech industry with track records of success in drug discovery leadership and high profile publications. Strong expertise in protein (small molecule drug target or biologics) structure-function analysis using X-ray crystallography,  NMR spectroscopy, bioinformatics and other state-of-art biophysical characterization techniques 

  Experiences in project leadership, managing collaboration of multidisciplinary research teams within company and with external CROs, non-profit academic collaborators and risk-sharing partners. 

